1961    Tough, Rugged and Tortuous BP to Kyneton lads in Volkswagen

Victory went to the experienced Bob Foreman, accompanied by the Hartigan brothers, Martin and Bill, all from the Kyneton area in their Volkswagen.

This was the first that the event ran with the title: “BP Rally of South Eastern Australia”, presumably to try and be more inclusive of the neighbouring state competitors.  It was also the first event in the new eight round Victorian Trials Championship.

The same directing team was overseen by an organising committee headed by Ron Rawson and including Ron Dearie, Mr RL Baker and Mr R Kenny.

The pre-event hype stated that the event would be conducted in an area south of an east – west line through Sea Lake, which was not telling much as it had never been north of that line up to date.

Tasmania was included as a start location for the 410 mile Assembly or Rally Stage, which encouraged five entries from the Apple Isle, to add to the eight from SA and two from NSW.

Crews assembled at Bendigo for the Trial Stage after a “circuitous” according to one scribe, briefing from the organisers, which even included a colour slide show from John Pryce of very vague and rugged tracks.

Navigators came armed with 17 Broadbent’s maps, and any Army Survey, Lands Department or Parish maps they could get hold of, to which Mr Thomson is quoted to have said: “I have all those too and have made use of errors therein”.

Crews set off at 4 pm Thursday on the first of seven Trial Stage divisions with approximately two hour breaks every five to six hours at Kerang (depart 11.15 pm), Maryborough (depart 6.15 am Friday), Ballarat (depart 1.15 pm) then overnighting at Geelong (depart 10 am Saturday to Warrnambool (depart 6 pm), Casterton (depart 10.40), Ballarat, again! (depart 4.30 am Sunday), Kyneton (depart 8.30 am), Syndal (depart 2 pm) for the finish at St Kilda Esplanade.

The first section to Mosquito Creek spread-eagled the field, then off to the Heathcote forests before an easier run up to Kerang and back down towards St. Arnaud.  The 3 am challenge was to enter Barkly from the north, which saw many Wrong Directions.  Maryborough from the south through the forest was tough as well.

The route passed through Sub frame Junction on the Broadbent’s, a locality name conferred by the BP organisers after a survey car mishap.

On the run out of Geelong the next morning, the crew of Peter White and Bill Rees in a Lloyd plunged off The Great Ocean Road, ending up on the rocks in the sea 250 feet below.  Crew ended up with minor injuries, car wrecked.

The population of Casterton provided their now customary hospitality of hot soup and coffee.  Average speed sections, together with shortest mapped route requirements caused havoc in to Kyneton and Kilmore.

Mt Disappointment forest was exited along a vague track down to “Bradleys Farm”, which Mr Bradley thought no longer existed.  The track, not the farm that is.

57 crews started and 44 finished.  Despite the Ford Co. entering three Falcons and six Anglias, Volkswagen were victorious with the Teams prize and first outright.

The Director’s bronze medals were awarded to the crew of Jack Ellis, Mal McPherson and Frank Guymer, who also finished second outright.  Mal would win some years later, but Jack and Frank were forever the unlucky bridesmaids.  Third were Peter Coffey and Doug Rutherford in a Ford Anglia.


Pre event correspondence to all competitors

General Supplementary Regulations

Final Supplementary Regulations

General Information

Entry List

Notes for Officials Confidential

Organisers Master Schedule

Trial Stage Route Instructions (collection of all those slips of paper handed out at each control)

Route map (These files are large and may be slow to download)

No Official Results incorporating Director’s report

Media reports:            The Sun 10 May 1961 Ford Advertisement 

                                     Australian Motor Sports and Automobiles June 1961

                                    Modern Motor July 1961


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